Welcome to the Tutor Agent Blog!

Happy Birthday Tutor Agent! Celebrating 4 years online and thousands of ads, students and tutors from around the world.

This is a non-profit, advertiser supported site, so I’m very pleased to say that advertising revenue and classified ad purchases allow the site to exist for another year. The site makes, on average, US$100 per year in revenue. $50 of that is used for online advertising and $50 is just enough to pay for hosting and domain name renewal. Much of our traffic comes from organic links.

(Yes, I’m certainly not running this site for the money! LOL!)

I was surprised recently to discover that some tutors have been advertising their services using blog posts rather than ads. I’m not sure why this has happened but there is quite a backlog of posts and spam that I hope to sort through over the coming months.

Please not that as this is a not-for-profit site and I run this in my spare time, I may take some time to check other parts of the site. If you want a quick reply, post an ad. I check for those daily.

I plan to update this blog page more frequently (initially monthly and then hopefully weekly) We’ll see how things go. It’s time I added some video content, just for fun! And I should be more proactive in mentioning my ebooks too!

Until next time!
