If you’re teaching IELTS, you know how difficult it is to find good IELTS materials, especially when you’ve run out of all the Cambridge materials and your students are clamouring for more.
That’s why I developed www.IELTSPracticeTests.com
The site features links to IELTS materials available for download to your Kindle. You can encourage your students to also download it to their smart phone or tablet, or you could choose some of the other materials in pdf format if it is relevant. When students decide to study IELTS with you for 6 months to a year, you’re going to continually need new material and that’s what the site is for.
I’m currently teaching a student that has two lessons with me a week, 2 hours per lesson at $100 for 2 hours. She is studying for the IELTS exam and wants to keep practicing for the speaking test. After going through the 28 or so speaking practice tests available in the Cambridge books it was great to know I had 80 more speaking practice tests available through my site! (We’re up to 78 now and so I’ve started making more!)
So, if you’re needing more materials I strongly recommend you check out www.IELTSPracticeTests.com And if you have your own site and are creating your own materials, please post the information below. I’ve almost run out again!
Until next time.